Tue 10 Dec 2024 10:21:51 PM CST : 1733890911
That got weird
I guess it worked. I made the last post hoping to be wrong. It wasn't until after midnight that I was able to breathe easy.
This one started out weird. The first thought was the one that was probably intended - crazy LWNJ ices Medical Industry exec. The fact that
they rarely do things like that was a bit of a problem for me so when the news that the decedent was under suspicion for hanky-panky of a
financial nature and might be troublesome to people who will do that sort of thing. Okey-dokey I say, they whack the guy and use a
pro who deliberately looks like he's an amateur using
Rex Feral's manual.
Not like it hasn't
But I figured that was a bit of a stretch and after a few days they caught the guy and he seemed to be the more improbable - a Unabomber
type clumsily trying to be an assasin.
It seems a little too neat. He was carrying his manifesto around with him? Like he wanted to be sure when he was arrested the manifesto
would be found. Like
Operation Mincemeat
except they weren't throwing a corpse in the ocean. And no matter now much of an amateur he was he didn't dispose of the weapon as soon
as possible? And it was a "ghost gun"? OK, that last one is almost plausible. Nah, not really. The whole thing is too cliched to be anything
but a government operation.
Tim MeVeigh conveniently had a right-wing proverb T-shirt and pages from the Turner Diaries (just some pages? really?) and was driving a car with no license
plate to attract the attention of any cop that saw him. The
Nashville Tranny
manifesto is still under wraps but this dude made sure to have his with him
when he was pinched.
If the guy was groomed like school shooters he may work out. There are still some problems like a probably accomplice. And if he was being manipulated he may
prove uncooperative and have to commit suicide. If he does that it will be pretty clear that it was an operation.
MEDIA Published December 6
Security expert shocked
UnitedHealthcare CEO didn't have
private detail: 'This is completely
Philip Klein previously led security detail for Brian Thompson, the UnitedHealthcare CEO fatally shot in NYC
9:15am EST
H) hypcryme -
17 seconds ago
With the information available | can make close to a dozen plausible scenarios. One or two
involve him being deliberately alone per instructions by someone he believed he could trust. No
CEO being paid even one million a year is clean as a preacher's sheets. Orit could be one of the
crazies that want to kill CEOs of companies they disapprove of. Or it could be someone in the
Medical Industry wanted him gone so he couldn't talk and wanted it to look like anti-Medical
Industry did it. One thing is fairly certain - the newest low-IQ tool on the SCOTUS is the stupidest
human being on the planet including the mophead that reads at press conferences. Wait, it's not
certain that either of those is a human being.
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Your Money
7) TheGames1 ”
hour ago i \"
Welcome to the need for elite Private Security. All while the D.C. politicians are dabbling with the b Ww
general populations 2nd Amendment right and our homeland security . Trump has a whole lot of
stuff to accomplish in the next 4 years. | hope all (Regardless of political party) will play well in thi.
See more
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s studuckfu -
38 minutes ago
in this case, investor greed and ceo's working to maximize their income has created a great
anger in insurance customers who pay money but are denied the services that they pay for.
while the common man has access to weapons, they will remain a great equalizer for the
customer and the rich man wit,
See more
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w) WakefJUSA oe