Thu 22 Aug 2024 07:45:18 PM CDT : 1724373918
Odds and sods
I agree with the
I refuse to use the names of people who are not deserving of being regarded as people. I always want
to spit afterwards. Thus when
was elevated to the position of presidential candidate her stupidity - long known to many
of us - was on display to a wider audience. Spartackus rates most of them about the same way I do but
like many he gives
credit for more intelligence than he has. Cackles is glaringly stupid because she
has no acting skills at all. The fact that the stupidity of actual actress
shows through the thin veneer of her training doesn't mean it doesn't provide some cover, it just shows less often.
When Cackles ranted against
"price gauging"
it may have been a typo on the teleprompter - don't discount
that possibility - or just general clumsiness even a moderately individual such as Joetard (before his
brain rotted) would have corrected it -
just motored on. She is truly one stupid person.
I rate Ovomit about the same level as Brillohead, over or under would be just a few points. He has the
acting experience from his years of rabble-rousing and is fairly smooth but when he's off-script he
flounders and stumbles. The corpse-man debacle was mistake only a truly dumb person, one who had been
trained to deliver material without thinking about it, would make. It is an indicator of his very limited
When he did is dramatic 'mic drop' he was attemting to do something he had heard about and hadn't been
trained. So he finished speaking and dramatically lifted the mike and held it for a few seconds to be
sure the cameras got it good. He didn't have the authenticity to casually drop or toss it or just leave
where it was. You don't even need a mike to do a mic drop - you say your piece and forthwith ignore the
object of your statement. But Ovomit has very limited intelligence - probably average IQ
at best.
probably is lower on the scale and has no acting ability, she is more like a parrot that can
read and so spouts new material readily but without comprehending a word of it.
Mack Bolan
49 minutes ago
The reason I use insulting nicknames for them is that to speak the name of a person
implies some measure of respect for that person, even if only for their status as a
human being. I have not even that much respect for these cretins. They are beneath
all of the other things that are beneath contempt.
For every action there is a reaction, for every good an evil, for every strength a
weakness, and for every injustice there is somewhere a final justice.
Reply 194 [-)
Biden Puts Conservatives on Notice: ' If They Wanna Think to
Take on Government if We Get Out of Line ... Guess What?
They Need F-15s! They Don't Need a Rifle!' (VIDEO)
Jun. 11, 2024 3:20 pm Q 816 Comments
@ By Cristina Laila
HypCryme -
a few seconds ago
The one thing | actually fear is that this regime will act on that belief and get the thirty million or so partisans scattered over three million miles
of what they call 'fly-over country' really riled up. They don't have millions of nukes or even thousands of aircraft. All they would accomplish is
start a civil war that would make Vietnam, the Middle East, Northern Ireland, etc. look like kids scuffling on the playground
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Dios'Hotpants % -
4minutes ago
Why 'assault' rifles in particular? A 12 gauge loaded with 00 and equipped with a high capacity drum is a much more devastating weapon ( in
close quarters). Most gun violence involves handguns, not AR style rifles. I've never understood the obsession with that type of firearm.
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ClayVarga OQO ~
minutes ago
All gun laws are unconstitutional. Let them fire the first shot.
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5 minutes ago
May God pour out his wrath on Joe Biden.
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@ Marvelous Marvin 92% -
wilspq © % -
S minutes ago
You watch him..... they're gearing up for another Steal... He's running off his Mouth about this NAZI Crap..... But what He doesn't know is th:
Enlisted men are the Real Warriors..... They want follow this Scum... I served as a Allied Soldier in Vietnam... The Enlisted killed their Offics
in Fire Fights.... with a round to the back of the head.... No one said a Word..... If you did you were Next...
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