Tue 02 Jan 2024 01:31:08 PM CST
With anyone else it would eventually wax uncomfortable to watch the squirming but
Harvard has been so contemptible for so long.... But finally
someone had to tell her.
Whoever it was. Did they actually finally have to tell her she would be fired if she didn't resign? My guess is they did.
As my friend Hyp says, of the
three tools that went to Congress
to defend the indefensible this one was the worst. Vacuous is a pretty good description, but this one is an order of magnitude beyond vacuous. I wonder what goes through
the minds of the dissertation committees as they review the work of the diversity candidates. And did her serial plagiarism, being almost the entire body or her work, really
go unnoticed? No one is stupid enough to believe that. Well, some people are but not many are senior faculty in universities. Although with thirty to forty years of
pushing unqualified candidates through - and diversity hiring - there are more than there used to be. Only a white man need fear being held accountable for anything these days.
Will the next black female president of Harvard, if not possessed of some qualifications at least not be such a complete travesty? The usual talking head agitators were
blaming racism,
one commenting that the first black female president of Harvard was being treated badly because of her race. Never mind that she was given the position because of her race. And
sex, bu there were plenty or white women available. That's like claiming that black murders are being sent to prison because they're black. BTW, one of the people she stole from
was a distinguished black woman who earned her position the hard way. As for being the first black something-or-other the
first black Miss America should have taught someone something. She was going to be Miss America no matter what
the competition was because it ws decided that there would be a black Miss America. It wouldn't have been to bad had they vetted her and
avoided the embarrassment that followed. She did all right afterwards with a modest show business career.
Of course
Fraudine stole from a bunch of despised (by her) white men. So there's that.
It wouldn't be surprising to find that some of the people she ripped off were Jews. Or Asian, or Hispanic. Ewww!