It's a little early and again it seems they're making it up as they go. I suppose the decision to use the same one as before
wasn't thought out well. Not that they have the brainpower to think about a game more complex than tic-tac-toe. It has
been observed that "if played optimally by both players, the game always ends in a draw". Optimal play in the present case
would require that both players have both the ability and the will to use all available tools. The enemy is using all the tools
at its disposal, but the defenders are reluctant to use maximum force even though it will allow them to prevail, because they are
normal human beings who abhor violence. They
just want to be left alone, and when pushed too far
all bets are off.
One of the guys last night said the only difference between where we are and Stalin's Russia is that Stalin's people weren't on average
a dozen points below average IQ. I can't think right off of one in the current regime that's much above room temperature, and I
keep it cool in here.
Alan Sabrosky is a pretty bright guy and and
calls it pretty close,
assuming something miraculous doesn't happen. Some of us, me included, have said lately that the only way for Trump to win is for
a third or possibly fourth party to run, and he has to survive that long. In the very unlikely event he is able to conduct a campaign,
i.e. not locked up and even that might not stop him he may not live long enough to be inaugurated.
And that would cause massive.... well, disruption. The ignorance of events elsewhere in the world by the
sheeple and the failure of the cabal to recognize their
significance will not blunt their effect. In fact it may magnify it.
Sabrosky's comments about the old people getting involved in a major way be prophetic. A lot of old guys, recently retired and
three years ago seeing the possibility of living their remaining years in some peace and security might become rather angry about having
even that taken away. I believe it was in Enak Nomolos' "Balance of Power" that he described some partisan groups comprising only
old and in some cases terminally ill men who, with nothing left to lose, become suicide commandos.
As for
Plandemic II the activity is sporadic
so far and in the usual expected places. The feds haven't gone beyond warnings yet, and if the free states don't go along (Florida for
sure, and Texas probably won't make that mistake again) the
blue states
can oppress their subjects to their hearts content and will lose more population but that's about it. Air travel will again be a nightmare
and the economy will deteriorate and another trillion or two dollars will be tossed into the Monopoly bank, but that won't bother most
people. I was in a doctor's office today and saw the lone receptionist wearing a mask, so certainly the
Medical Industry will do the usual.