Wed 12 Oct 2022 08:03:44 PM CDT Finally, rain. Seriously dry for quite a while. Heat has been off for a few days, but still dry. Inch or so I'd guess, go out tomorrow and check the gauge. Anything happen today? Usual political stuff. A waiting game. The only thing that worries me a little is that the left may make a final desperate attempt to mitigate their defeat. Obviously the fraud machine will be going full throttle, and attempts to reverse unfavorable results will continue after the election. That is to be expected, and hopefully it can be prevented/corrected to some degree. Even so it looks bad for the enemy. So the possibility of a seriously destructive act, such as a 9/11 event (although on a much smaller scale) or an Oklahoma City affair. The latter would be easier, and they could probably pull it off. As they now stand on the bodies of people killed in their engineered massacres and denounce and blame their political opponents, they must be tempted to do so now. Standing at the smoking ruins of a federal office building and denouncing the "Ultra-MAGA" terrorists, with some "White Supremacist" thrown in, the "news media" parrotting the (likely provided ahead of time) copy, surely is in the twisted minds of some. Our main hope is they are too inept to pull it off, and if they try it can be prevented. Speaking of conspiracies and other shenanigans, today another massive judgment was handed down by a jury in yet another lawsuit against Alex Jones. Alex is a strange bird, but I'm more put off by his manner than anything else. He is usually right. Just hard to listen to. You know the story. State-engineered "mass shooting incident", this being the Sandy Hook one. One of a batch around that time. Lot of attention. Alex made a little too much noise I suppose. And they figured it was about time to make an example of someone. He was a pretty good target, even the ones who know he's right find him a little abrasive. And he's already been thoroughly demonized. So they get some of the families of the victims to sue him. No way it would fly in an environment where any respect for the law remains, would be thrown out for any number of reasons. But any time you can manufacture a case out of thin air and send law-abiding citizens to prison for nothing, you can sue a guy like Alex for a billion or so dollars. Which is where the awards are up to by now. With more planned. Like they'll ever see any money. Alex doesn't have a billion dollars, I'd be surprised if he has a million. As for collecting any of what he does have, good luck. But they got to crow about winning, and justice, all that. And when the cases are finished, a couple of days after that last one is over it might as well not have ever happened. Like the thousands of murders (forget the rapes and robberies, keep it to a manageable number) of citizens by the human debris (and I use 'human' loosely) that has been cultured in massive quantities in the cesspools of the cities. Those make a couple of days of news, when they are reported outside the local area. So the 'victory of justice' over the hapless Alex passes as well. And Alex will remain on the radio and the Internet (some radio stations will drop him, but that's hardly a significant factor) and will annoy them for years to come. Here's the text of the quote from MacArthur's Freehold:
Links Arkansas Continued Care Hospital Jonesboro Arkansas Community Hospital Corporation Plano Texas A Dirty Rotten Shame Victims of ACCH