Mon 10 Oct 2022 10:06:23 PM CDT : 1665457583


About four weeks until elections. In a sane world there would few Dimocrats left in either side of Congress, but we are nowhere near to a sane world. The brain-dead (actually they aren't that stupid but merely corrupt) blue state populations will elect some, but the Republicans should have a substantial majority in the House and enough in the Senate to outweigh the two or three RINOs that remain. However, a considerable amount of fraud, while mitigated by the actions of some states, will likely leave a number of those in leftist hands. How many is difficult to say. It will be a tense election night for those hoping for reform.

The international situation likewise awaits its resolution. It is probably not what the globohomo cabal intends or expects. As Baer Creighton might describe it: Thinkin' it's like dying snake thing. Killed a few snakes in my time. Lot of them I shouldn't have, just people killed snakes back then. Any snake. Even the harmless ones, which was most of'em. Don't do it now of course. Anyway, you see a snake, grab somethin' to kill it. Usually a garden tool, shovel or something. Not very efficient, and you wailin' on the serpent and it thrashin' around, don't know whether to bite the shovel or try to crawl away. Sometimes in the confusion it bite itself. Like these guys, someone done gone and throwed a monkey wrench into the works, stuff breakin' and parts fallin' off. These people ain't the smartest people. Just think they are. Dunno how to fix it. Get it back on track. Ain't gonna. And that's that.

That would also describe the amateurish antics of the leftists (Dimocrats) as they attempt to keep contol of the government.

Winter in Europe will probably have considerable effect on both the Russia/Ukraine conflict (along with the fact that the cabalists are running out of resources to give to Ukraine) as well as the state of the various governments in the European and Scandinavian states (recent developments in Italy, UK, etc). Russia seems remarkably calm about the whole affair, and with good reason.

Here's the text of the quote, anyone wants to steal it. I'm not in it for the money. Enjoy.

Except for the sheeple, the ones that ain't payin' attention, mostovus think some big stuff happening. What? I dunno, and I suspect a lot of people don't. Includin' the ones that think they makin' it happen.

Talking about all the Russia/Ukraine, U.S. government attacking its citizens, western Europe committing suicide doing what our government is telling them to do, using coercion if necessary. BRICS taking a third of the world off to do their own thing. Lots of smaller places throwing off the chains. And so on...

OK, back to my Baer Creighton impression: Thinkin' it's like dying snake thing. Killed a few snakes in my time. Lot of them I shouldn't have, just people killed snakes back then. Any snake. Even the harmless ones, which was most of'em. Don't do it now of course. Anyway, you see a snake, grab somethin' to kill it. Usually a garden tool, shovel or something. Not very efficient, you wailin' on the serpent and it thrashin' around, don't know whether to bite the shovel of crawl away. Sometimes in the confusion it bite itself. Like the NWO guys, someone done gone and throwed a monkey wrench into the works, stuff breakin' and parts fallin' off. These people ain't the smartest people. Just think they are. Dunno how to fix it. Get it back on track. Ain't gonna. And that's about it.

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Last updated: Tue 11 Oct 2022 01:04:41 PM CDT : 1665511481