Wed 28 Sep 2022 11:12:53 PM CDT : 1664424773

Another day...

What happened on the pipeline? Probably a regime job. Why?

Well, nothing in it for the Russians. It wasn't moving gas, so no actual disruption. They know they'd be blamed anyway.

So given that it had to be done by either the US, Russians, maybe China or an actor with assistance from one of them, it's not hard to choose. Main reason would be distraction (from the cracks in the NWO) or continuing to force western Europe/Scandinavia to back Ukraine, whatever the cost to them. Won't work, but once someone threw a big monkey wrench into the works, they're frantically trying whatever they think might work. Trying to plug the cracks without 1) knowing now to stop what's causing them or b) unwilling to give up their attempts.

Things like the Italian election, got them scared. EU making threats, but they're empty. They just don't know it yet.

Arkansas Continued Care Hospital Jonesboro Arkansas
Community Hospital Corporation Plano Texas
A Dirty Rotten Shame
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Tue 27 Sep 2022 08:50:39 PM CDT